Palais Hansen Kempinski

Palais Hansen Kempinski – Vienna, Austria

Key Service: Sustainability Development & Audit
Location: Vienna, Austria
Product: Audit for certification purposes


The operator of this luxury hotel launched its environmental management system in 2015. Horwath HTL Switzerland is proud to have the opportunity to audit this hotel for the second time. It is also one of the first onsite audit in Europe against the revised and renewed EarthCheck corporate standard version 4.0. The audit methodology remains the same for this on-site audit.


We are often exposed to questions such as: What is the input of a sustainability management system for a hotel? How can you measure its input?


The EarthCheck certification is data-based. True to the motto: What you measure you can manage! Therefore, measurable input can be::

Legal compliance

The EarthCheck benchmarking and performance software has been officially recognized as an “energy management system” by the Federal Office of Economics and Export Control (BAFA) in Germany. With a focus on sustainability, BAFA and EarthCheck are driving a series of initiatives to monitor and control energy-use to mitigate climate change.  (list of eligible software)


Ensuring that internal and external communication processes share existing compliance and information from the EMS and sustainability action plan with stakeholders. This creates money-saving and image-enhancing situations.


The quality of employees is strengthened and promoted through continuous training. Employer whose economic interests and business decisions are based on data that also include the environment and social aspect are on track to retain quality employees.

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EarthCheck certified

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