Hotels & Chains in Switzerland 2018

By Michaela Wehrle on 25/07/2018

Hotels & Chains in Switzerland 2018

More free reports from Horwath HTL: Swiss Hotels & Chains 2020 • Hotels & Chains in Switzerland 2019Hotels & Chains in Switzerland 2017 • European Chains & Hotels 2019

In this second, 2018 edition of the Hotels & Chains in Switzerland report, we reviewed the business models employed at chain affiliated hotels in Switzerland. Currently, nearly half of them are owner operated, yet other business models are on the rise. We will keep an eye on the development in the years to come.

The other new topic we wanted to shed a light on is e-mobility, and we found out that hotels in Switzerland are still quite unprepared to accommodate guests in need of a charging station for their e-car.

We are happy to say that many chains have supported us and helped make this report even more accurate. Thank you!

For the 2018 edition of this report click Hotels & Chains in Switzerland 2018.

Michaela Wherle

About the author

Michaela Wehrle